The European Commission has approved a Regulation on mitigation measures and the reference levels of acrylamide which is expected to take effect in the second quarter of 2018.
The text of the Regulation includes practices to reduce the content of acrylamide , not only in cultivation and production processes but also in households.
These practices will be mandatory for all economic operators, not only industry but also catering, hospitality, catering, etc.
In order to make uniform the application of the Regulation in all sectors, the Commission will establish a guide for interpretation. Similarly, it is expected that from the last quarter of 2017 discussions will begin to establish the maximum limits of acrylamide in foods .
For more information:
http: //www.aecosan.msssi.gob .es / AECOSAN / web / news_and_actualizations / news / 2017 / acrilamida_reduc_alimentos.htm